A Safer Place #4 (D3CAM3RON3).

Museum’s furniture, people, spirits, metal, wood, LED and neon lights, dyed hemp, electrical equipment, objects. Variable dimensions. 2023.

Site-specific installation for @d3cam3ron3 curated by Maurizio Coccia and Mara Predicatori at @palazzolucarini Contemporary, Trevi (PG).

Artists: Giulio Bensasson, Alessandro Calizza, Chiara Cor, Francesca Cornacchini, Federica Di Pietrantonio, Chiara Fantaccione, Andrea Frosolini, Gianmaria Marcaccini, Vaste Programme, Davide Silvioli.

During the D3CAM3RON3 residency, I found that the most fruitful moments were those of collaboration and conviviality: we started by preparing meals and continued around the table, talking extensively about any topic, from trivial or personal to artistic, philosophical, or social ones.
Not having a production goal or pre-defined topics for discussion allowed us to engage in a true and intimate conversation directed towards what truly touches us as artists and individuals who are part of a contemporary society, culture, and time.

With this installation, a corner of the museum becomes a place of conviviality and exchange.
During the inauguration, visitors are invited, if they wish, to sit down, chat, and drink the beverages and then leave the empties on the structure, making them part of the artwork.
After the inauguration remains a “participatory” installation, a trace of another moment of discussion and sharing.

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